Isenberg & Hewitt, PC | A Business And Personal Injury Law Firm | Since 1989
Isenberg & Hewitt, PC | A Business And Personal Injury Law Firm | Since 1989
To talk with a lawyer call (770) 901-2666
Isenberg & Hewitt, PC | A Business And Personal Injury Law Firm | Since 1989
To talk with a lawyer call (770) 901-2666

Distinguished Georgia Trial Attorneys

Injured On Someone Else’s Property? They May Be Liable

If a person is injured, assaulted, robbed or killed on someone else’s property, the owner of that property can be held responsible for failing to properly maintain the property or for being negligent in not keeping the premises safe.

Call our Atlanta law office today at 770-901-2666 to schedule a free consultation with an Atlanta premises liability lawyer. You may also contact us online and we will respond to your message as soon as possible.

Injured On Another Person’s Property? Seek Legal Help Immediately.

In some situations, a victim (or the family of a victim) can bring a claim (a lawsuit) against a property owner or manager for financial compensation to cover medical expenses, property damage, lost past and future income, pain and suffering, psychological damage or loss of life. This requires the help of an experienced attorney who understands the law and knows how to pursue a case.

Why You Need A Slip-And-Fall And Violent Crime Injury Lawyer

At the Atlanta law firm of Isenberg & Hewitt, PC, our attorneys have more than 25 years of experience practicing premises liability law. This is the area of the law that allows victims of crimes or accidents resulting from the negligence of others to pursue property owners and proprietors who are responsible for their injuries. Because property owners and their lawyers will usually fight such claims and try to minimize or deny their responsibility, we are prepared to fight aggressively for our clients’ legal rights.

Assaults often occur because a property owner or manager failed to keep their premises safe for the public. This negligence can result in murder, rape, assault and other serious crimes, which typically occur at:

Slip-and-fall injuries and other preventable accidents can also occur because of dangerous property conditions in a public place, a residential location or elsewhere.

Every premises liability situation is different. Our Atlanta-based attorneys can help you understand whether it is in your best interest to pursue a lawsuit and how to do so.

ATM And Night Deposit Assaults And Injuries

Crime is growing around ATMs throughout the country. We have represented victims against banks and financial institutions throughout Georgia, Maryland, Nevada and South Carolina. ATM assaults, muggings and robberies have become far too common and often result in serious injury. At Isenberg & Hewitt, PC, we will fight back against banks, credit unions, savings and loans, and financial institutions and ATM operators that fail to take the necessary precautions to ensure that their customers are as safe as possible when withdrawing or depositing money into their ATMs.

Contact A Premises Liability Lawyer

Isenberg & Hewitt, PC, provides a free consultation to accident and crime victims and their families. We have the knowledge and experience to hold Georgia property owners and managers responsible when they fail to maintain safety on their premises. Contact us online or call 770-901-2666 to discuss your case.

We are MARTA-accessible.

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