If you have been assaulted, it is necessary for you to take steps to help yourself. Depending on what has happened, you may first want to call 911 to have the police come to you and to ask for the emergency medical team.
Assaults can be serious, but they don’t always result in injuries. If you have any fear for your life of have been threatened, always make a report. The police will take down notes about what has happened and keep that report in case of future problems. You may also be able to seek medical attention first and then report the assault to your medical provider. Medical providers are mandated reporters, so if you report assault or battery to them, they must call the police.
How is assault defined?
Assault may include physical abuse (they’re then called assault and battery cases), but it may also just include the threat of abuse. Assaults often include actions that have the intention of making you feel pain or fear. Assault might include someone trying to hurt you but not being able to follow through because of being stopped by others.
Assault is used to control you through intimidation, fear or pain. To stop this cycle, you must report the assault to the police.
What should you do if the person who assaulted you is arrested?
After you seek help, you may want to look into a protective order. Even if the other party is arrested, this order will mandate that they stay away from you.
Once they are arrested, there will be a hearing. Victims of assault may choose to ask the prosecuting attorney to press charges. Not all victims do. It’s important for you to know that you do have the right to ask that the police and prosecution work together to prosecute someone who has hurt you or attempted to hurt you.
The evidence for your case will come from anything you have in your possession to prove what happened. The police report, angry or threatening text messages, photographs of actual injuries and other evidence may be collected for use against the person who assaulted you.