Isenberg & Hewitt, PC | A Business And Personal Injury Law Firm | Since 1989
Isenberg & Hewitt, PC | A Business And Personal Injury Law Firm | Since 1989
To talk with a lawyer call (770) 901-2666
Isenberg & Hewitt, PC | A Business And Personal Injury Law Firm | Since 1989
To talk with a lawyer call (770) 901-2666

Distinguished Georgia Trial Attorneys

Helping You Collect Judgments From Outside Of Georgia

As attorneys who understand that business often stretches across state lines, our job is to assist our clients in collecting what they are owed. Through a variety of means, our experienced attorneys work to help clients from outside of Georgia capture revenue and mitigate losses. We have served businesses in the construction, banking, apartment supply, HVAC and temporary personnel industries, among others, in pursuing foreign judgments on significant debts.

At Isenberg & Hewitt, PC, our attorneys represent commercial creditors from around the country with debts that they have been unable to collect through conventional means. With more than 25 years of experience, we are adept at domesticating foreign judgments in Georgia and working strategically to reach successful outcomes as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

Leveraging The Uniform Enforcement Of Foreign Judgments (UEFJ) Act

Fortunately for many creditors, Georgia has adopted the Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments (UEFJ) act, along with more than 40 other states that recognize the law. If you are from another UEFJ state, you do not need to file a new suit to collect, but you can benefit from the assistance of Georgia counsel. We can expedite the collection process and help you maximize your recovery.

The attorneys of Isenberg & Hewitt, PC, have earned an outstanding reputation among creditors and debtors alike. Our collection practices are always appropriate, yet still aggressive, so we can help you achieve results.

Claim Your Money No Matter Where It Is

Whether you are dealing with a domestic judgment or have accounts receivables open in other states, it is best not to leave your debts unclaimed.

Our Sandy Springs-based firm’s foreign judgment lawyers can domesticate out-of-state judgments and represent you through each stage of the collections process. Call 770-901-2666 or schedule a consultation via email to learn more about our services today.

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