Under the premises liability laws in Georgia, property owners have a responsibility to keep lawful entrants like guests, customers and employees free from harm. If an entrant uses the property in a reasonably safe manner but gets injured, then there may be grounds for a claim. Slip-and-fall claims are among the most common premises liability cases, and they can arise from various types of injuries.
One type of claim could arise from inadequate facilities. This means that the owner failed to address a safety issue in a reasonable amount of time, indirectly causing the victim’s injury. Examples of inadequate facilities include dim lighting and the presence of trip hazards like torn carpeting and improperly stored cords and cables.
Inadequate warning signs can result in a second type of slip-and-fall claim. For instance, the owner may have failed to put up a sign warning about wet floors or malfunctioning automatic doors. Giving a customer a scolding hot beverage without warning is another form of negligence. A third common type of claim involves malfunctioning equipment, such as elevators and escalators.
Experts say that slip and fall claims are among the most expensive types of claims. In occurrences of minor injuries, though, victims may direct their lawsuit toward a small claims court.
No matter the situation, someone who has been injured in what they believe was a preventable accident may want to seek legal guidance before anything else. With a lawyer, they may build up their case against the property owner, address any accusations of wrongdoing on their own part and strive for a fair settlement. If successful, the claim may cover losses like medical expenses, income lost during the physical recovery, pain and suffering and a diminished capacity to earn a living.