It isn’t unusual for someone who rents or leases a space in Georgia to obtain insurance. This can be a good thing in situations involving landlords who shift liability to their tenants regardless of who was actually at fault for an accident. Of course, in most situations involving an accident or other incident caused by a tenant, it is not unreasonable to expect the tenant to accept responsibility.
Those who don’t have insurance could put their personal or business assets at risk. If a customer were to trip on a wire or slip on a cloth that has oil on it, it could result in damages that an individual could be personally liable for. Individuals who lease space at an airport or other aviation facility may be best served by calling their insurance brokers to discuss their situation.
From there, it may be easier to find a policy that has appropriate coverage limits and an affordable deductible. Before signing a lease to operate within a hangar or airfield, it may be advisable to have an attorney review the document. This can help a prospective tenant learn more about his or her rights and responsibilities.
When preventable accidents occur on a premises, the person who owns or operates it could be liable for any damages a victim incurs. A injured victim’s attorney may be able to use pictures, videos, or other evidence to show that hazardous conditions existed and remained uncorrected. Furthermore, the evidence may show that the victim was not warned in advance about the presence of these hazards.