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Isenberg & Hewitt, PC | A Business And Personal Injury Law Firm | Since 1989
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Isenberg & Hewitt, PC | A Business And Personal Injury Law Firm | Since 1989
To talk with a lawyer call (770) 901-2666

Distinguished Georgia Trial Attorneys

Trump Tower lacks sprinklers in its apartments

On Behalf of | Apr 11, 2018 | Premises Liability

Georgia residents may have heard about the fire that broke out in Trump Tower at about 5 p.m. on April 7. The fire resulted in six firefighters sustaining injuries and one person dying. According to authorities, there was no sprinkler system at the time of the blaze. The building is the same one in which President Trump has a residence, and neither the president nor any family members were in the building at the time of the fire.

Trump Tower was built in 1983 before there were any requirements to have sprinkler systems in place. However, older buildings are required to have them installed if major renovations take place. While there have been calls for all buildings to have them installed regardless of age, cost concerns have been cited as a reason why this has not been done.

The president tweeted about the incident saying that the firefighters did a good job and that the property was well built. There were more than 200 firefighters in total who arrived at the scene to help combat the blaze. The person who died in the fire was a 67-year-old man who passed away after being taken to the hospital.

If preventable accidents occur on a premises, the owner could be liable for any injuries or deaths that result from those accidents. An injured victim may be entitled to compensation for medical bills or lost wages. The families of those who are killed in a fire or other incident could take legal action to pursue compensation as well. An attorney may review a case to determine if a property owner made an effort to get rid of dangerous conditions on the premises.

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