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Isenberg & Hewitt, PC | A Business And Personal Injury Law Firm | Since 1989
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Isenberg & Hewitt, PC | A Business And Personal Injury Law Firm | Since 1989
To talk with a lawyer call (770) 901-2666

Distinguished Georgia Trial Attorneys

How to react in an emergency situation

On Behalf of | Dec 20, 2017 | Premises Liability

If a Georgia resident is caught in a situation where hundreds of people are in a panicked frenzy, that person’s best option is to remain calm. Doing so may make it possible to think in a logical manner and help keep that person safe. When people are in crowds, such as at a concert, they generally try to find open space in front of them. This is generally done to find air and to avoid running into people.

When a situation becomes stressful, individuals within groups may respond to perceived threats as well as actual threats. By taking time to analyze a situation before acting, it may be possible to avoid reacting to a threat that may not actually exist. People tend to assume that a loud noise or bang is the precursor to a dangerous situation based on what they see on television or online.

However, researchers say that it may only take a few seconds to properly determine a course of action before reacting. This may help a person avoid getting hurt or hurting others while in a panic. Researchers also caution that there is no right way to react in an emergency situation; the exact details could vary depending on what is actually happening.

Generally speaking, the owner of a property has a duty to keep people safe while on the premises. For instance, he or she generally needs to take action to eliminate known threats or those that may be reasonably anticipated. Examples of potential dangers may include drunk people becoming unruly at a concert or allowing a person to drive while under the influence of any substance. Those who are hurt in preventable accidents may be entitled to compensation for medical bills and other costs.

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