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Isenberg & Hewitt, PC | A Business And Personal Injury Law Firm | Since 1989
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Distinguished Georgia Trial Attorneys

Wrongful death lawsuit against Jenner dropped

On Behalf of | Feb 2, 2016 | Wrongful Death

Georgia residents who are following Caitlyn Jenner’s fatal car accident may be interested to learn that one of the lawsuits against Jenner was dropped late January. On Jan. 25, Jenner’s attorney confirmed the report but there was no other information available.

In February 2015, Jenner was driving on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, California, when her vehicle rear-ended a car, causing a woman’s vehicle to be pushed into oncoming traffic where it was hit by another vehicle. The crash resulted in the woman’s death. While authorities did determine that Jenner caused the crash while traveling too fast for traffic conditions, prosecutors did not file a vehicular manslaughter case. The woman’s two stepchildren filed the wrongful death lawsuit against Jenner in May. it i s not known what caused the lawsuit to be dropped

A person who causes an accident that results in the death of another person may be potentially held responsible by the authorities. However, the fact that there are no criminal charges filed does not preclude the decedent’s surviving family members from seeking compensation for the loss of their loved one through the filing of a wrongful death lawsuit. Even if charges were filed and the defendant was found not guilty, a civil wrongful death lawsuit can still be successful, as the burden of proof is less than in a criminal case.

Damages that are often sought in a wrongful death lawsuit include funeral and burial expenses and loss of companionship. An attorney can more fully describe the types and amounts of damages that are allowed under the state’s wrongful death statute.

Source: NBC News, “Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Caitlyn Jenner Dropped“, Jan. 28, 2016

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