Atlanta Man Dies In Drunk Driving Accident
The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported on a fatal accident in September in which a drunk driver allegedly struck and killed a 39-year-old man after her vehicle hit his nearly head-on. According to police reports, the Atlanta man was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash, which may have added to the severity of his injuries.
The alleged drunk driver has been charged with first-degree vehicular homicide, reckless driving, driving under the influence and making an illegal turn. The man killed was engaged, and his fiancé said the couple was in the middle of planning their wedding.
The Numbers On DUI-Related Car Accidents
According to Dr. David J. Hanson of Potsdam University, drivers who operate their vehicles under the influence of alcohol or drugs are much more likely to cause an auto accident, including those that result in serious injuries or death for other motorists, passengers and pedestrians. Dr. Hanson makes a strong argument that all injuries and deaths stemming from drunk driving crashes are completely preventable. Despite lower overall rates of DUI over the past decade, it remains a significant problem for law enforcement agencies and communities in Georgia and nationwide.
As the Potsdam University study points out, the average blood alcohol content level of individuals fatally injured in drunk driving accidents is .16 percent – double the legal limit in all 50 states of .08 percent. In addition, drivers with high BAC levels are up to 385 times more likely to cause a crash than individuals who have not had anything to drink. And although the alleged drunk driver in the September crash in Atlanta was female, males ages 25 to 35 are the most likely to drive with high BAC levels.
Seeking Compensation After A Crash
Those arrested for driving under the influence face strict penalties in Georgia, including jail time, large fines and suspended driving privileges. However, this doesn’t account for the damage done to the people drunk drivers injure or kill. For victims and their families, it might be necessary to file a personal injury claim or wrongful death claim to seek monetary compensation from the people responsible for these serious car crashes.
After an accident, police officers at the scene may request that drivers take a breath, blood or urine test to check their BAC levels, as long as they have reasonable suspicion that the individual in question is intoxicated. This is important, as BAC results offer key evidence for both criminal cases and civil claims against offenders.
Following a drunk driving collision, you may choose to take legal action through a personal injury claim or, if you’re a family member of someone killed in a crash, a wrongful death lawsuit. Drunk driving accidents are often quite serious, although preventable. If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in one of these crashes, speak with a skilled Atlanta personal injury attorney today.
Keywords: drunk driving, accident, injury